Upcoming Offerings 2024-25

2024-25  new offerings in the works for Saphire® Imagery and DreamBirth®

These include basic and new classes and workshops in:

Saphire® Imagery

     Morphology –  Hands

     DreamOpening®  – New Intro Courses and New Tastes

    Special Topics – More than a dozen to choose from



     Pregnancy & Childbirth 

     Parenting & Bonding

     Integration and Practice

and more……

Saphire® Imagery


SOI will continue to offer SOI’s introduction to Morphology – the Four Grids – internationally. Morphology is the study of body form and the practice of observing the body to understand the unique story it tells us.  In our advanced programs on Morphology we will focus on Hands in 2025.


DreamOpening®  is a simple four level technique that teaches us about the language of dreams and of your subconscious to gain access to the necessity of our dreams and images –  the content that reveals the truth of who we are and what we want through experience.

Saphire® Imagery

Saphire® Imagery is a core course that grounds participants in the approach, tools and techniques of dream work. It lays a foundation for all other courses, workshops and events offered by SOI.

Saphire® Imagery –
Special Topics

In the coming year we will see many new and timely special topics offered. These include some favorites presented in past years and some new topics that are timely now.

The Life Plan

Stepping Into Grace

The Subconscious | Access to the Light of Creation

Inner Activism

Empowering Birth Through DreamBirth® for Professionals

Flowing With Life Force Energy in Challenging Times

and more, including newly conceived, shorter-format courses

  • Morphology | Four Grids  (7 weeks)
  • SOI DreamOpening® (14 weeks)
  • SOI Saphire® Imagery (14 weeks)
  • Introduction to DreamOpening®
  • Taste of Saphire® Imagery
  • Taste of Flow
  • Thresholds
  • Conscious Relationships
  • Supporting Children with Imagery

Offerings in 2025

In 2025,  DreamBirth will give greater emhasis to working with birthing professionals who seek better informed and alternate ways to achieve a positive birthing experience for parents and baby.


Effective techniques that give women access to their procreative power, maximizing a woman’s natural abilities to conceive, carry and give birth in perfect health.

Pregnancy & Labor

Exercises for an easier pregnancy and less painful labor, as well as exercises that deal with emotions and thoughts that might get in the way of a happy pregnancy and successful, calm labor.

Parenting & Bonding

Exercises for parenting your own way to promote self-care, to see and feel through the baby’s eyes and skin, to deal with baby’s stresses, and to enhance family integration for all family members.

Healing Past Birthing Trauma

Imagery, as the language of the body, is a restorative way to heal and transform past trauma of all types including those related to giving birth. It lets us reside in joy and faith, able to expect a good childbirth outcome.

SOI will add new transformational workshops and classes over the course of the year.  

Check back often to keep up with our special offerings!