Freedom Is In Our Bodies | Catherine Shainberg, Ph.D.
A few days ago, I tried calling my new doctor to get a refill for my medication. I was sent on a merry chase through the different offerings of the talking machine. It was impossible…
Read MoreEarth is the Holy Land | by Catherine Shainberg, Ph.D.
I’m walking around New York City in a sleeveless dress. It‘s 62 degrees (F) out and not yet the end of March. We had lots of rain but barely a winter as I would recognize…
Read MoreArt & Imagery – Healing with a Razorblade | Mala Kline
In 2012 I premiered a performance entitled EDEN. It was one of my early works created on the basis of techniques taught by the School of Images (SOI). The work of SOI is based on…
Read MoreRe-Connection in Disconnected Times | Catherine Shainberg, Ph.D.
This is a unique time in life and, closer to home, for me personally. I have been deeply engaged with re-connecting, growing and creating new ways to be together within the global School of Images…
Read MoreLove in a Flat Universe | Catherine Shainberg, Ph.D.
We are coming out of more than two years of isolation, largely hidden behind doors, separated by masks and computer screens. We learned to be glued to our screens but lost the experience – the…
Read MoreA River Runs Through Us | Catherine Shainberg, Ph.D.
We enter the New Year having come out of the longest night of the year. But true to the gift kept alive in Pandora’s box, our hearts are filled with hope as we ritualized what…
Read MoreBeing a Hero | Healing Through Children’s Imagery | Sheona McEwan
Imagine you are standing in a green meadow with the blue, blue sky above you. Now turn around and see your horse. What does your horse look like? Does he have a name? Can you…
Read MoreThe Undying Fire | Shara Morales
The ever-changing times, the eternally changing seasons and the return to light that the Winter Solstice augurs afford a great time to reflect. I am especially moved to reflect upon a precious experience I had…
Read MoreClearing Ancestral Trauma & Choosing Ancestral Gifts | Inner Self Magazine
There are two types of memories, memory linked to emotion, and memory linked to feeling. It is the first kind of memory that creates blockage. When anger and fear, our primary emotions of fight or…
Read MoreThe Truth About Alternate Facts | Catherine Shainberg, Ph.D.
Every day, we see the willful obliteration of truth occurring globally and, in many parts of the world, violently and tyrannically. The methods in use have now famously become the fodder for what is euphemistically…
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