Nayoma de Haen
Nayoma came to Saphire® Imagery practice in 2005 when she translated Catherine’s first book, Kabbalah and the Power of Dreaming, into German. Immediately enchanted by it, she has been training with Catherine ever since. She uses Saphire® Imagery in her work as coach, consultant and facilitator to support others to gain clear insight; to deepen their connection with self and others; to overcome limiting behavior patterns; to inspire swift shifts; and to anchor profound changes. She assist the development of Soul Skills in her work through which mental, emotional and spiritual aspects flow into each other. A certified trainer for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) and a mindfulness practitioner in the tradition of Thich Nath Hanh, in 2022, Nayoma created a support group for 30 Ukrainian women to use Saphire® Imagery to help them cope with the shock of war and the necessary adaptations needed to help them move through the traumatic events facing them, their children and loved ones. She offers teaching in English and German.