Nurit Nardi
In addition to being a Certified Practitioner of Saphire® Imagery, Nurit is a trained transpersonal counselor and Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapist for over thirty-five years as well as a licensed massage and registered craniosacral therapist This 35-years of practice and continued training in multiple modalities follows a full career as a performer and an actress in the USA and Israel. She met and started working with Catherine Shainberg in 1997. As a therapist and coach in private practice, she has worked both online and in person with hundreds of creative and highly sensitive men and women, who have experienced an early life trauma (complex trauma) and find themselves stuck no matter what direction they choose to take in life. Her point of view is holistic and includes integrating many aspects of the Self, including the body, emotions, images, dreaming and nervous system regulations. The goal is to embody vitality, clarity and wholeness and embrace the truth that once you start healing your inner life, your outer life changes. She practices in English, Hebrew and Italian.