Petra Rijavec
Since her childhood Petra has always wanted to help those who were in pain, protect the weaker, and be the voice for those who were not speaking for themselves. Today she knows that the best we can do for people is accept them as they are and give them space and support to find their own way.
She’s always been interested in alternative ways of healing, so training with Catherine (since 2011) was an obvious step. She also finished the School of Karmic Diagnostics (in Slovenia) and several programs of Hatha and Kriya yoga (in India) that she practices.
Dreams are her passion. She is still – again and again – amazed at how powerful the work with images is, as her personal experience during tougher periods and challenges has proven.
As images and imagination are not limited, she also doesn’t want to limit her work – she is here for everyone, individuals or groups of all walks of life. She practices online and in person (in Slovenia) in English and in Slovene.