A Taste of Tarot | Free Introduction | 2 Sep


What if a single book could reveal to you the path to manifestion in your life? That book – a book of images – is also known as Tarot. Many are familiar with Tarot as a divination tool. At SOI, Tarot is a book of images, a storyboard of our present condition and a portal to our subconscious mind that helps us to see who we are, what we want, and new ways to manifest our intentions. Through the forms, shapes, colors, letters and numbers of each card, Tarot is a fast, simple and direct way to explore images and open your dreams, the basis for creativity, imagination and manifestation.

In this free introduction,  you will learn how to see and use Tarot in an entirely new way, and lay down the foundation for further exploration of this exceptional book of images that will endlessly serve your growth and transformation.

September 2, 2023 | 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EST / 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM PST | Online

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A Taste of Tarot | Free Introduction | September 2, 2023 | 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EST / 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM PST | Online

Experience a Taste of Tarot!

Shara Morales, certified Saphire® Imagery Practitioner, will introduce you to the richness of Tarot imagery and show how this imagery can quickly open an accessible portal to your own images, dreams, and inner revelations. Ultimately, you will learn to better understand yourself and your path to manifestation.

You may be familiar with modern Tarot decks and causal uses for “readings.” At the School of Images, we treat Tarot differently –  for us Tarot is not a divination tool.  We see and use Tarot as a book of imagery containing rich depictions full of powerful images that serve as a portal to reveal out true present condition as experienced in our subconscious mind. 

In this free, one-hour introduction, we explore its true nature as a Book of Images whose pages are reordered with every throw. These throws do not come from the divine, not a “reader” nor any other outside source – they come from the inside, from you. Gain a fresh look at your present moment and reveal the possibilities, through your own inner gazing, with each throw.

This introduction will begin your journey to access your subconscious – and the truth and guidance that resides there – through the imagery of Tarot. 

Fee:  Free