Conscious Relationships | Special Introductory Workshop | 21 July 2024


Join SOI Certified Practitioner Lindsey Curtis on a journey inward to create meaningful, responsible and lasting relationships based on SOI’s Saphire® ImageryYou will be guided to flex your ability to shift perspectives, integrate the other’s point of view, bring your images to bear in understanding your true intent, and to gain practice in the greatest relationship skill of all – repair. Your dreaming is here for support!

Conscious Relationships Through Communication | Workshop | 21 July 2024 | 5:00PM – 6:30PM CET (Adjust for US, UK, Asia-Pacific)

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Conscious Relationships Through Communication | Workshop | 21 July 2024 | 5:00PM – 6:30PM CET (Adjust for US, UK, Asia-Pacific)

Relationships flourish or fail based on the quality and integrity of our communications within the relationship.  There are many factors at play in any given relationship – feelings, emotions, compatibility, intention, and so much more.  But all relationships are held together by communication – both verbal and non-verbal.  And communication is either responsive or reactive, conscious or out of our awareness, a choice or a habit.

Saphire® Imagery is a powerful tool and way to develop conscious and responsive relationships of choice.  The process actually begins in the subconscious, where our dreams and imagery reveal all that you need to know.  In this 90-minute session, you will be introduced to and guided in bridging the connection between your subconscious and your conscious minds in order to bring greater harmony to your communication and greater consciousness in all of your relationships.

Lindsey Curtis, SOI Certified Practitioner, will shows you how to create meaningful, responsible and lasting relationships based on SOI’s Saphire® ImageryYou will be guided to flex your ability to shift perspectives, integrate the other’s point of view, bring your images to bear in understanding your true intent, and to gain practice in the greatest relationship skill of all – repair. Your dreaming is here for support!