DreamBirth® Conception | Course 1 | 13 Nov 2023 – 29 Jan 2024


Begin your journey in DreamBirth® Conception Training. The main focus of these eight classes is to build your understanding of Conscious Conception and help you clear the emotional and belief system hurdles that can block procreation.

This course provides training in the exercises that give women access to their procreative power, maximizing a woman’s natural abilities to conceive, carry and give birth in perfect health. These techniques are effective without any other fertility work, and are also a perfect adjunct to women undergoing fertility treatments.

Mondays | 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET | 13, 20, 27 Nov; 4, 11, 18 Dec 2023; 22, 29 Jan 2024

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DreamBirth® Conception | Course 1 | 8 classes | 13 November 2023 – 29 January 2024 | Mondays | 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET

DreamBirth® is an incredible tool that has helped many women to conceive. It is a beautiful adjunct to any other modality that is being used for conception; it will enhance the use of acupuncture, herbs, and IVF.

This DreamBirth® Conception series will expand your knowledge and skill set about how imagery works to promote conception in all forms and to understand the benefits of conscious conception; and on creating conscious bonding to promote strong, warm and healthy relationships with your baby.

This first course, comprising 8 classes, is focused on helping you to clear your emotions and belief systems, and to repair relationships.

Part 1 | 4 Sessions: Pre-conception exercises; clearing emotions that get in the way

The first four classes focus on  how imagery is learned and your role as a practitioner.  You will learn many pre-conception exercises and exercises to clear anxiety, anger and frustration, guilt and resentment, pain and grief, and any feelings of stuckness and depression.  We focus as well on exercises that create optimism and a sense of well-being.

Part 2 | 4 Sessions: Clearing Belief Systems, Repairing Relationships, Miscarriages and Abortions

The second four classes focus on exercises to clear belief systems that get in the way, as well clearing resentments of the past and fears of the future.

As Catherine Shainberg says in DreamBirth.: “To get pregnant, like a good farmer, you will want to clear the land, removing any stones and fertilizing the field, before you start planting your seeds.”

Great or small beliefs can get in the way of conception: for example,” all the women in my family that have narrow hips have trouble conceiving,” or, “If I have a baby I can’t have a career,”  or “if I have a baby my relationship with my husband will be ruined”, and on and on.

During Part 2, you will learn exercises to move past old relationships, miscarriages and abortions. You will also learn exercises that center on repairing relationships and manifesting vibrance in your relationships.

Participants will receive a  Zoom link prior to the first session.

Course Fee: $360

Course Schedule: 8 classes

[2o23] 13, 20, 27 Nov; 4, 11, 18 Dec

[2024] 22, 29 Jan