
Genealogy | 24-26 May 2025 | Led by Catherine Shainberg | Online


In association with SOI UK, Catherine Shainberg, Master of Saphire® Imagery, returns to to lead a fascinating online workshop for everyone interested in the influential sway that our family history and cultural beliefs often hold over our dreams and body, whether we are aware of these or not. During our study of these latent and manifest influences, we will work to resolve and identify the repetitive patterns manifested as body symptoms, in family relationships and family history. Then, using quick and revelatory imagery tools, we work to change the past, ourselves, our ancestral tree, freeing ourselves to live a more embodied life now and for the future.

Genealogy | Led by Catherine Shainberg | 24-26 May 2025 | Online | 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM EST (US) | adjust for UK, EU, ASIA, AU

Special Early Bird and Bundle Discounts apply. Limited private sessions with Catherine available on May 27.  Please read the full description for details.

Registration Form

Category: Workshop


Genealogy | Led by Catherine Shainberg | 24-26 May 2025 | Online | 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM EST (US) | adjust for UK, EU, ASIA, AU

In association with SOI UK, Catherine Shainberg, SOI founder returns to to lead a fascinating online workshop for everyone interested in the powerful sway that our family history and cultural beliefs often hold over our dreams and body, whether we are aware of these influences or not.

Using dream work, guided imagery and other powerful techniques taught at the School Of Images, this workshop is a fascinating, in-depth exploration of the connection between dream, body, and family history. In the same way as we open repetitive dreams, we will delve into the repetitiveness linking body symptoms, family relationships and familial history.

During this workshop you will study and begin to resolve the latent and manifest influences that your family’s history can have upon your body and dream field. We will identify the repetitive patterns manifested as body symptoms, in family relationships and family history. 

Having identified these patterns, we will learn how to free our bodies from disabling memories, hidden agendas and unexamined belief systems. Using quick and revelatory imagery tools, we work to change the past, ourselves, our ancestral tree, freeing ourselves to live a more embodied life now and for the future.

Fee: $450 US / £355

Early Bird Special:  $427.50 if full payment is received by May 5, 2025 (5%)

Bonus Bundle Offers:  This workshop can be combined with the workshop on Body, Intuition & Prophecy to receive a 10% bundle discount. To take advantage of the bundle discount and register for both workshops, please click here.

Private sessions:  A limited number of private sessions with Catherine will be available on May 27, 2025.  Each session is 30 minutes long.  Fee is $150 (US) / £117.

Paid registrants will receive notice of how to register for these limited privates via email by May 10, 2025, but may request notice earlier.  Registration is first come, first served.