Mistress of Emotions | Limited Class Series | Mondays | 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM CET (EU) / 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM ET | 3, 10, 17 June 2024
Discover how to use your emotions to serve life’s creative union, instead of allowing them to interfere with or harm your joyful purpose.
We often talk about becoming the “master” of our emotions as way to help us control them. But what if there is another, more loving, self-respectful and effective way of experiencing and handling our emotions? Lindsey Curtis, SOI Certified Practitioner shows us this way in this special, limited series intended to cultivate a new way of being and embodying emotional maturity based on SOI’s Saphire® and DreamBirth® Imagery and ancient dreaming wisdom.
Emotion is energy in motion, unless it isn’t. Emotional stagnation held in the body can or will become pain down the line of time, either within our bodies or within our relationships (or both) as we disperse our emotions onto our beloveds and the world around us.
What if there was a different way?
There is! In freeing your stagnant or misplaced emotional energy and allowing it to flourish, you can become your Mistress of Emotions.
Learn how to feel your emotions and alchemize them into the creative and expansive feeling states that your heart most longs to embody and in this way return to Joy, Love, Freedom, Presence, Radiance, and more that you desire and deserve.
Come home to the fact that your emotions are here to serve your highest Self expression. Here is a unique opportunity to put in a bit of work and a lot of creativity in order to make it so.
Bonus Opportunities:
Early Bird Discount is available to those who register by May 31, 2024. Fee will be $170 for the workshop only on this basis.
Bundle Offer | Workshop + Private Session – Lindsey Curtis is offering Private Sessions to students who enroll in Mistress of Emotions. Students can pair this course with a private session to receive a reduced bundle price of $260 on both offerings. If you are interested, please email Space is limited for private sessions, so register soon!