On Time | Catherine Shainberg – Live Workshop | April 26 – 28, 2024 | Bainbridge Island, WA
Catherine Shainberg is again leading an rare in-person workshop on Bainbridge Island, in the glorious Pacific Northwest of the US, where she will guide us in becoming masters of time.
This workshop examines time in its different forms: linear, cyclical, body time, time-space, prophetic and messianic time, history and myth time, memory, time travel, time and physics; and the fact that change and the speed of change are overtaking our ability to adapt to them. We had thirty years to get used to the idea of cars or planes. Today radical change comes at us so fast our minds cannot absorb the change fast enough. Our societies, our laws and regulations lag behind.
The challenge starts with each one of us. Can we consciously quicken our vibrations to reach the speed of light? Can we activate the quantum level of dreaming to contract time or expand it at will?
Yes! There are simple ways of doing this. This weekend is about grabbing the bull by the horns and becoming masters at handling that most elusive of forces, time itself.
This workshop will help us to discern the inner and outer realms of time and how to master the experience of time to guide our way through these challenging times.
Workshop Fee – $425.
Workshop Schedule – The daily schedule is APRIL 26-27 from 9 AM – 5 PM (PST) | APRIL 28 from 9 AM – 1 PM (PST). There will be four (4) 60-minute sessions on the first two days and two 60-minute sessions on Sunday with 20- minute breaks between each session and a 90-minute lunch break.
Private Sessions with Catherine Shainberg – On Thursday, April 25 Catherine Shainberg will make available a limited number of 30-minute private sessions on a first-come, first-served basis. Information to schedule a session will be found in the registration confirmation sent to all who register. Private session fee is $150, payable upon booking.
Conference Venue – Bainbridge Island Art Museum
Travel and Lodging Arranged by Participants
Participants will book travel and lodging independently. Our hosts for more than a dozen gatherings in Bainbridge have arranged for affordable lodging near the conference site at:
Quality Inn | 920 Hilderbrand Lane NE, Bainbridge | 206 842-7843
You can book directly by calling the Quality Inn or through any online service of your choice. A direct call will get you the SOI WORKSHOP price.
Other options are available on Bainbridge Island and can be easily found via Google search.
Arrange for your travel directly as suits your preferences.
Questions? For additional information on local logistics, please contact:Darrell Cooley at or Joyce Cooley at
Check the SOI Calendar regularly to learn more about SOI’s other offerings.