July 16-17, 2022 | 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM BST (British Standard Time)
DreamOpening® is a simple four level reading that teaches you the language of dreams and of your subconscious. After learning the DreamOpening® method you will gain access to the necessity of the images revealed in your dreams..
In this immersive two-day workshop, led by Irene Viglia and hosted by the School of Images® UK, we will start the exploration of the DreamOpening® methodology. You will be introduced to the four levels of the dream opening: the story, the pattern, the question, and the secret.
Dreams are messages from the subconscious. Not opening them is akin to not reading a letter that was sent to you. It might contain information that could change your life. Dreams are opened to reveal the necessity of the dream – the essence that is calling for you attention – and the guidance for action on the highest level, unique to each dreamer. Because the language of dreams is universally applicable, dreams contain revelation and guidance unique to each dreamer.
Using this methodology, there is no analysis or interpretation of the dream and no opinions or judgments about the dream are offered by members of the group. Each participant presents their experience of the dream as secondary dreamers and is learning to become a secondary dreamer as well.
During the workshop you will actively engage in many short and dynamic imaginal exercises based on the DreamOpening® method taught by the School of Images.® And you will begin to explore becoming a “secondary dreamer” – both a witness and participant in the dream experience of another person.
The workshop is in English with translation to Romanian.