In An Awkward Position | Losing Yourself, Finding Yourself | by Catherine Shainberg, Ph.D.
What can the image of The Hanged Man in a pack of Tarot cards teach us about spiritual evolution? What can The Hanged Man, an iconic and graphic depiction emblematic of being in an awkward…
Read MoreEnergy is A’Changin’ | Claudia Raiken | January 2024
The new year is here - and gladly – contrary to what we see in the news – the energy on earth and for its inhabitants is brighter, lighter, more loving. I see it in…
Read MoreDreaming Restores the World | Catherine Shainberg. Ph.D. | January 2024
This month ushers in a new year. Many commentators are sounding the alarm: 2024 is going to be a difficult year, they say. But the Chinese calendar tells us it’s a wood dragon year, full…
Read MoreYou Are the Light | by Catherine Shainberg, Ph.D. | December 2023
You are the Light. This is not just a metaphor or a comforting reassurance. It is a fact. It is of great significance, understanding this fact. It means that your essence arose from Light –…
Read MoreCapfico | Writing from the Belly of the Whale | by Mala Kline | Dec 2023
Capfico is a powerful word and image in Catalan: it describes the action of plunging, diving, or ducking into the water. But it can mean so much more – to enter anything headfirst; to bury…
Read MoreHineni, or A Lesson of War
It was very quiet on my first Yom Kippur day in Mashabei Sadeh in the Southern Negev. The grass was shimmering in the sunlight and the sky blue without a cloud. No one ventured onto…
Read MoreKilling Time – or – How Did It Get So Late, So Soon? | Catherine Shainberg, Ph.D.
During the pandemic I spent the winter isolated in the woods of Cape Cod. Sometime in early April when the ground was still crunchy with morning frost, both my climbing hydrangea bloomed. I was amazed:…
Read MoreThe Return of the Frogs’ Song | Catherine Shainberg, Ph.D.
Affecting Climate Change Through the DreamField Forty years ago, when I first came to live on the shores of a glacial pond on Cape Cod, there were thousands of toads and frogs, snapping turtles, painted…
Read MoreTranscend the Routine | by Jackie Schiff, Psy.D.
Sometimes it’s not so easy to transcend the daily grind. Thankfully, the Torah offers a blueprint for how to live a conscious awakened life. Its stories are archetypal, living and resonating within our souls. Divided…
Read MorePause Refreshes All | Catherine Shainberg, Ph.D.
August is a month of suspended animation, a cauldron of highest heat, a tipping point toward shorter days and back to the demands of our busy lives. At the crest of the August wave - if…
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