DreamBirth® Conception | Course 2 | 18 June – 24 September 2024


Deepen your knowledge of Conscious Conception and Conscious Bonding with this 8-class DreamBirth® course. In this continuation of the DreamBirth® Conception classes, you will deepen your knowledge and skill set about how imagery works to promote conception in many ways. This course includes exercises that maximize your natural abilities to conceive, carry and give birth in perfect health, build strong bonds before and after childbirth with your baby, and strengthen your natural instincts and knowledge of bonding with your child. We will explore exercises for all types of conception, including IVF. We will also dedicate time to parenting and bonding, helping you grow your inner child, see and feel from the baby’s perspective, and better deal with a newborn’s  emotional needs.

Tuesdays | 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM ET | Session Dates – 18, 25 Jun; 2, 9 July; 3, 10, 17, 24 Sep 2024 (No classes between 9 July and 3 Sep) 

Please Note: This course is part of the DreamBirth® certification program, but can be joined by those not planning to certify.  Contact SOI for more information.

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DreamBirth® Conception | Course 2 | 18 June – 24 September 2024 | Tuesdays | 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM ET

The main focus of these classes is to deepen the understanding gained in Conception 1 about Conscious Conception and Conscious Bonding.

Please Note: This course is part of the DreamBirth® certification program, but can be joined by those not planning to certify.  Contact SOI for more information.

Part 1 – Four sessions | Conscious Conception

We enter the terrain of conscious conception, about which Catherine Shainberg says in DreamBirth.: “And when your terrain is at its optimum, then you are ready to invite the soul in.”

In these four classes, you will learn to use many DreamBirth® imagery exercises for conception, including IVF, as well as gain a deep understanding of the benefits of conscious conception and bonding. You will learn exercises to encourage the flow of hormones that allow the embryo to implant and flourish. We close Part 1 with a set of exercises that promote the ‘loving attention’ that encourages all life to thrive, and we discuss the subject of timing — including the timing that is determined by when the soul wishes to be born.

Part 2 – Four sessions |  Conscious Mothering and Bonding

Mothers are consumed by feelings of great responsibility. And they get so much ADVICE. So many questions. So many answers. So many experts. Even those who are close to their parents, or feel that their parents may have done things “the right way,”  may not want to do exactly what their parents did. These next four classes deal with mothering and bonding.

DreamBirth®enables the mother to go within herself and access her inner wisdom, her truly knowing self.   These sessions of the course will teach exercises for self-care and maturing one’s inner child. You will learn how to see and feel from the baby’s eyes and skin, empowering you to better deal with the baby’s crying, fear, anger and emotional outbursts. We end with exercises for sibling rivalry, family integration and exercises for older children.

Learn how to communicate with your baby-to-be, mind to mind, heart to heart, often a more effective way to communicate than talking! You can ‘show’ your child how much s/he is loved and appreciated through imagery. Your child will sense it immediately.

Participants will receive a  Zoom link prior to the first session.

Course Fee: $360

Course Schedule:  18, 25 Jun; 2, 9 Jul; 3, 10, 17, 24 Sep 2024  (No classes between 9 July and 3 Sep)