Imagery, Imagination & Children | For Parents | 22 April | 4-Hour Workshop


Your dreams and imagery can transform your life and the world around you.  It can do the same for kids. Simple, elegant, creative, quick, playful – all these words  describe using imagery with children. But what exactly is imagery and how can it benefit kids?   In this 4-hour workshop, you will experience for yourselves how imagery and imaginative play work and how it can transform the lives of young people to meet their real needs for creativity, problem-solving, self-confidence, and well-being. Led by Sheona McEwan, Certified SOI Practitioner and experienced child development expert,  we will, play, create, find our own images and see how we can translate this into fun and creative activities to share with our children. In addition, it will give you some new tools to help your child with developmental challenges such as worry, anger management and sleeping. Have fun and experience for yourselves how we can use these powerful imaginal tools with children!

April 22, 2023 | 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM EDT (US) / 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM CET (EU) | Online

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Imagery, Imagination & Children for Parents | April 22, 2023 | 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM EDT (US) / 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM CET (EU)

Simple, creative, quick, playful – all these words  describe imagery with children. But what exactly is imagery and how can it benefit kids?

Imagery is literally the visual images that arise from within us in our dreams and imaginative play.  In children, where the verbal and visual worlds of knowing remain in flux, their imagery is especially accessible and powerful as an imaginative tool.

Imaginative play is an important part of a child’s development.  It can be an antidote to anxiety and worry, help children to solve problems, and see themselves as effective, happy, strong and confident as they face and grow in life. This way of experiencing themselves in the world helps kids to develop their creativity, their empathy and can grow their senes of personal self-esteem and agency.

How can you – as a parent – help you children to play in this essential way?  While you could  (and might want to) put on the cowboy hat and ride around the garden on imaginary horses with your child,  you can also engage in imagery with them!  At SOI, we use imagery and the imagination to see and experience –  not just think about – who we are, what we need, and how we can create that life for ourselves.  This is effective for adults – and it is also effective with kids.

Sharing this imaginative experience using SOI’s quick, easy and effective imaginal exercises with your children offers them a powerful and beneficial way of seeing the world and themselves in it in a positive way. The great thing about it is that children will love doing these activities and it will help them develop essential inner skills in a fun way. But most importantly you can help them with specific challenges, such as facing worry monsters or fire breathing dragons!

In this 4-hour workshop we will play, create, find our own images and see how we can translate this into fun and creative activities to share with our children. In addition, it will give you some new tools to help your child with developmental challenges such as worry, anger management and sleeping.

We will have fun and learn how we can use these powerful transformative tools with children!

Sheona McEwan, SOI Practitioner and Teacher, will draw on her extensive work with young people to give you the experience of imagery and explore why these are such an essential tool for children’s development. Together, we will dip into some imagery exercises, observe the impact on ourselves, and then look at how these exercises can be used children and adolescents..

This workshop is for parents who want effective and transformative tools that can easily be used in a home setting.

Imagery, Imagination & Children for Parents | April 22, 2023 | 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM EDT (US) / 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM CET (EU)