Abundance | 25-27 May 2024 | Led by Catherine Shainberg | Online


What is abundance?  What is enough? This is a question we all ask ourselves. We desire abundance and prosperity, most basically to survive and take care of loved ones, but often to have fine experiences, good education, health, well-being and more. Abundance is personal – it varies from one person to another. What if there is within you an inner power to create abundance for yourself, whatever abundance means to you? 

In association with SOI UK, this exciting 3-day workshop with Catherine Shainberg, teaches you how to use the powerful and easy tools developed by School of Images®  to explore expansive pathways – both ancient and modern – that intentionally manifest abundance.

Abundance | Led by Catherine Shainberg | 25-27 May 2024 | Online | 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM EST (US) | adjust for UK, EU, ASIA, AU

Special Early Bird and Bundle Discounts apply. Limited private sessions with Catherine available on May 28.  Please read the full description for details.

Registration Form



Abundance | Led by Catherine Shainberg | 25-27 May 2024 | Online | 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM EST (US) | adjust for UK, EU, ASIA, AU

People’s lives reflect their ideas and beliefs. What are your ideas and beliefs about abundance, health, jobs and money? About prosperity, worth and value?

In association with SOI UK, Catherine Shainberg, Master of Saphire® Imagery, returns to to lead a fascinating online workshop for everyone interested in the power of manifestation and dreaming, and its potential to create abundance for ourselves as we envision it.

Did you inherit your ancestors’ or family’s opinions about these subjects? Do you believe in success or do you think you’re “supposed to be poor”or that poverty is holy? Do you think you’re only worth something if you’re rich? Do you believe that “the rich get rich and the poor get poorer”? Do you believe in fate? Do you believe in choice?  Do you believe you have the inner power to create abundance in your life?

What if there is within you an inner power to create abundance for yourself, whatever abundance means to you?

In this exploration of Abundance, we will use a variety of effective SOI techniques – Saphire® Imagery, DreamOpening®, Reversing® and Life Plan® – to examine some of the modern and ancient kabbalistic ways to intentionally manifest abundance for ourselves and to let go of any obstacles we may have to receiving abundance.

Be prepared, eyes wide shut, to find the internal treasure that will fund your richer life!

Fee: $450 US / £355

Early Bird Special: $415 US / £325 if full payment is received by April 30, 2024

Bonus Bundle Offers:  This workshop can be combined with the workshop on Hands to receive a bundle discount.  If paid in full by April 30, an early bird discount will also apply.  If paid in full May 1 or after,  only the bundle discount will apply:

Bundle/No Early Bird Fee: $735 US / £575

Bundle + Early Bird (both paid by April 30, 2024): Fee: $665 US / £520

Private sessions:  A limited number of private sessions with Catherine will be available on May 28, 2024.  Each session is 30 minutes long.  Fee is $150 (US) / £117.

Paid registrants will receive notice of how to register for these limited privates via email by April 30 2024, but may request notice earlier.  Registration is first come, first served.