Special Bundle | Kabbalah & the Power of Dreaming + Morphology | Greek Gods III


SOI is offering a special bundle discount for those who wish to take Kabbalah & the Power of Dreaming and Morphology | Greek Gods III workshops in English + Mandarin.

Kabbalah & the Power of Dreaming: You know how to walk, but do you know how to dream? This workshop will introduce you to a powerful, simple way to experience and use your dreams – and imagery – to break through time with new, revelatory insights about yourself, your inner truth, and the path forward to co-create and manifest your life in new ways.

Morphology | Greek Gods III: Morphology is the study of body form and the practice of observing the body to understand the unique story it tells us. Drawing upon 12 Greek Gods as metaphors for essential forms we each embody, in this 4-day workshop we explore three “body types” expressed by the Greek Gods Mars, Mercury, and Venus.

7 – 10 Sep {KPD] |  14 – 17 Sep {Morphology III | All session at the same time on scheduled days:  7:30 PM- 12:30AM HKT,  7:30 AM-12:30 PM EDT 

Registration Form

Category: Workshop


Kabbalah & the Power of Dreaming |  7-10 Sep 2023

4-day Workshop | 7:30 PM- 12:30AM HKT (Hong Kong) /  7:30 AM-12:30 PM EDT (US) | in English + Mandarin | Online

Catherine Shainberg, Millicent Lai and Lucia Dang will reveal how to harness the power of dreaming as a powerful source of intention, manifestation and access  to the “vertical path.” Dreaming breaks through time to return you to the truth and reconnect you with your knowledge of yourself and of the world.

You know how to walk, but do you know how to dream? There are two ways to travel through life, the walk and the dream. The walk is what you do every day as you move through your life. It is a horizontal path in time – it starts when you are born, follows a story (yours) and eventually ends. The dream is vertical; it breaks through time. This workshop will introduce you to a powerful, simple way to experience and use your dreams – and imagery – to break through time to gain new, revelatory insights about yourself, your inner truth, and the path forward to co-create and manifest your life in new ways.

Catherine Shainberg, Millicent Lai and Lucia Dang will reveal how to harness the power of dreaming as a powerful source of intention, manifestation and access  to the “vertical path.” Dreaming breaks through time to return you to the truth and reconnect you with your knowledge of yourself and of the world.

Read the full description here.

Morphology | Greek Gods III  | 14 – 17 Sep 2023

4-day Workshop | 7:30 PM – 12:30 AM HKT (Hong Kong) / 7:30 AM to 12:30 PM EDT (US) | Online | in English + Mandarin

SOI’s continuation of the series Morphology | Greek Gods III offers the third of four workshops covering the twelve Greek Gods. By the end of the series you will be able to identify each of these three prototypes and recognize how they combine to create in each of us a unique personality.

In this workshop, we explore three “body types” expressed by the three Greek Gods: Mars, the masculine and combative energies; Mercury, the impulsive and quick-moving; and Venus,  the feminine and changing energies. By connecting your own experience to the language of the body, what creative manifestations and personal transformations might you unveil?

Requirements: It is necessary to take Morphology | Four Grids, or one Morphology | Greek Gods workshop in advance of this class.

Read the full description here.

Discounted Bundle Fee: $1080 USD (2-workshop bundle)

If you would also like to register for all three Imagery Workshops, you can add The Source of Revelation in English + Mandarin, and receive an additional bundle discount here.